
ACS@Berkeley committee members work hard to provide academic & professional resources and offer a close-knit and supportive community for all students interested in chemistry-related disciplines. Here are what each of the committees do:

  • Corporate Committee: Corporate Outreach Committee members promote corporate and academic development with industry by organizing infosessions, recruitment seminars, internship opportunities, resume workshops, etc.
  • Education Committee: Education Committee members provide tutoring for high school and community college students. They also organize outreach events including SPLASH, quiz bowls, workshops, coffee chats, etc.
  • Events Committee: Events Committee members connect Cal students with academic opportunities and knowledge on campus and help to foster community within ACS@Berkeley. They organize events such as undergraduate/graduate/professor panels, socials, LBNL poster sessions etc.
  • Media & Publicity Committee: Media Committee members publicize events to the student community via social media. They design event flyers, highlight club members and activities, photograph events, design club merchandise, etc.

Being a committee member is the best way to be involved in ACS@Berkeley! If you are interested in joining, recruitment starts at the beginning of each semester! In the meantime, follow us on Instagram & subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated with ACS@Berkeley events!